We have an increasingly important role in supporting our communities and an aspirational vision that guides our organisation into the future as we look to invest in, facilitate, and co-create opportunities for the success and wellbeing of Taranaki and its people.

Toi Foundation is a strategic grant maker, who proudly contributes towards better outcomes for present and future generations in the Taranaki region.

Like any organisation, we are always evolving to ensure we achieve the long-term, transformational social change we are striving for across the rohe.

Toi Foundation is committed to reducing economic and social disparities in Taranaki by funding where there is the greatest need.


We understand the significance and impact of our grants that increase access to opportunities for our community. We do this by offering Annual, Capital, Programme and Event, and Individual grants to not-for-profit organisations.

Our up and coming deadline is:

  • 4pm, 28 August 2024
  • 4pm, 15 November 2024

For your application to be eligible the Foundation requires all applications to be correctly completed and all required documentation to be received by the deadline otherwise your application will be deferred to the next quarter.   

Strategic fund

We are focused on working strategically to achieve our purpose,  we do this through supporting, facilitating and engaging in strategic and collaborative relationships, initiatives and investments that have strong alignment to the Foundations strategic focus areas of:

  • Improved environment
  • Enhanced child and youth wellbeing
  • Rangatiratanga | Empowering Māori Aspiration

Innovation fund

We contribute to new and innovative seed or scale opportunities that may have a high potential for impact and align strongly to the foundation's strategic focus areas of:

  • Improved environment
  • Enhanced child and youth wellbeing
  • Rangatiratanga | Empowering Māori Aspiration


We make investments with the intention of generating a measurable, beneficial societal and/or environmental impact, alongside a financial capital and social return.

For this Fund, the Foundation will invest in four key areas, identified as its Levers of Change:

  • Housing
  • Education
  • Employment
  • Environment


Recently commissioned socioeconomic research has provided us with clear direction on how we can be more impactful catalysts for change – collaborating and partnering with the organisations that are doing, or looking to do, great work in our community.

This research helps further inform future funding and investment decisions so that we can continue to enhance the lives of more people in our region by being responsive to changing community needs and aspirations.

Below you can click to download the full Research Report and how we are Responding For Our Region.

To watch our presentation of the research findings from March 28th 2022, click here



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