Equity in School
Tikorangi School is a rural school based just outside of Waitara. The current roll is around 170 students between years 1 - 6.
“One of the school’s big challenges is equity,” Kerry Nancarrow, Principal of Tikorangi School, said. "We want the children to have access to opportunities for learning."
“The lack of equity came out really strongly in 2020 with Covid-19, when the students needed to be able to access computers to work from home. We didn’t have enough computers to give to the kids. You could see the difference between the kids who had access and those who didn’t. We could either have paid for the devices ourselves or leased them, which would be very expensive.”
Toi Foundation provided a grant of $30k, which allowed Tikorangi School to purchase a storage container and digital devices to support learning.
“We have been able to purchase devices for every child in years 4 - 6, which makes it a lot easier in the classroom. The devices become an integral part of the learning. We also bought Apple televisions and portable trolleys for each classroom. This means that when the teachers model, all the students can see it.”
The container will enable the school to store the bikes and scooters. “Tikorangi is a small community. The school and rugby club are the major hubs of the community, and we thought a bike track would help draw people to the community. We wanted to have bikes and scooters available for the children to use, because we don’t want it to be an access issue."
“We applied to Toi Foundation, since they do a lot for the community. We knew that the bike track was of huge benefit. The track will bring other families to the community too, not just school families," Kerry said.