Marinoto is a small Rest Home in Inglewood, Taranaki. The home caters for up to 32 residents and, in 2019, added a hospital wing in for those in need of high-level care.
Toi Foundation funding of $15,000 helped Marinoto purchase an Ergolet Luna Portable Lifter and install ceiling tracks to use it in three hospital rooms.
“Our other type of portable lifter is more cumbersome, and a resident can sometimes feel anxious because they’re facing forward and can’t see the staff member working the device,” said Janine Vollebregt, Facility Clinical Manager.
“The new Lunar device is much more compact, lighter (yet it has a 300kg load capacity) and provides a much smoother transfer experience for the resident.”
Staff members report that it’s quick to set up and puts less strain on their backs. Residents feel more secure and comfortable and the whole process takes only 5 minutes.