New shed for golf club
Opunake Golf Club is an 18 hole course just north of Opunake, with mountain and sea views.
“In 2021, we purchased a new tractor and mowers. We required additional covered space to house this gear, along with all the essential equipment needed to look after a golf club,” Lawrence Robins, Member of the Opunake Golf Club Committee, said.
“We desperately needed a new shed to put our gear into. The last one was not big enough, so some of the equipment was sitting outside. This meant that it deteriorated quickly,” Lawrence said.
Toi Foundation provided funding of $20k for the building of a new shed. “Toi Foundation have always supported us in the past. We needed to use some of our funds to clean up after the recent floods, so we applied for a grant to assist with the shed build.”
“The build cost was close to $30k. We had some funds, but, without the grant, we would not have been able to build the shed.”
“With the equipment in the shed, we can present the course in a far better condition. This is not only for our members, but also for people visiting for recreation or functions.”
The club has around 120 members, but is growing. “Joining the club gives people a sense of belonging to an organisation where they can meet new people and have social interaction.”
“Older people in the community find it easier to play on a decent course. It will also encourage younger people to play, resulting in fitter people through the generations in the local community. Golf is one thing that families can get out and do together.”