Tri Taranaki Festival
The Tri Taranaki Festival took place on 26th March 2023. The event included a range of triathlons catering to different ability levels, as well as the World Triathlon Cup race.
Over 300 people took part in the participation races and a huge number of local volunteers assisted. 100 free race entries were given to school students in the Taranaki region.
The event cost approximately $500,000 to run and attracted 7,000 spectators. Funding of $30k from Toi Foundation enabled the event to remain free for spectators.
New Zealanders took out the gold and silver medals in both the Elite women’s and men’s World Triathlon Cup race.
Having the World Triathlon Cup in New Plymouth reduces travel costs for the athletes, especially as the race was a chance to gain points towards qualification for the 2024 Olympic Games.